
Jaine on a Train

Author: Laura Levine

Jaine is looking to keep herself in Chunky Monkey when a new ghost-writing opportunity appears. Chip Miller, aka Iron Man, is a wealthy gym owner. When he’s not jet-setting on his private train car, he’s running on his treadmill, visiting his gym, making his special Iron Man martini, and lambasting his family and loyal friends. Chip is ready to write an exercise book for the every-man or every-woman, something to promote his methods and his gym. If Jaine can get it, with her craving for savory snacks and her elastic waist pants, anyone can! It’s not exactly the most flattering job proposal, but it comes with a $10,000 signing bonus. As they say, money talks.

The job, however, is turning out to be a drag. Jaine is interviewing Chip as he conducts business from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara on his private train, but it turns out that her new boss is a penny-pinching bully. Only a day into the trip, everyone has plenty of motives and opportunities, but lucky Jaine is the one who finds the body and her fingerprints are all over the murder weapon (a “world’s best dad” throw pillow.) Seeking to clear her name, and a hefty bill for damages thanks to her claw happy kitty, Jaine works her way through Chip’s gym world. The problem? Everyone from his sister to his fiancé to his kids wanted Chip permanently grounded.

This is the 20th Jaine Austen adventure, and while they all have a pretty similar motifs with different schticks (cruises, reality TV, actors, fancy spas, beauty pageants, and more) these stories still manage to stay fresh, engaging, and funny. How can you not still root for Jaine after all our adventures together, all those near misses, and all those late-night pizzas and bathtub soaks with a nice glass of Chardonnay. Murder Buys a One-Way Ticket is no exception. Jaine’s adventure this time manages to be just as comical, unique, and deadly as always, and we’re ready for the thrills, the chills, the mistaken IDs, and the snatched snacks.

As usual, there is the main story line (who-dunnit) accompanied by a disastrous sequence of dates for our heroine (spoiler, chefs are not necessarily great dates) and some shenanigans from Jaine’s parents, who live in the retirement community of Tampa Vistas. This particular installment gives us the best yet Tampa Vista’s side story (Jaine’s father determines he is related to Elvis) and keeps the laugh track going while Jaine investigates murder most foul.

Unlike some other cozy mystery series, Jaine really does do the leg work, and is pretty good with her potential suspects. The problem – there are just SO MANY. This leads Jaine to the usual death-defying confrontation and a shocking epilogue. The epilogue is a complete 180, and I’m not sure if it’s a farewell to the series (I desperately hope not) or a new era in Jaine’s adventure that gives our love lorn ice cream addict some much needed male affection. Time will tell I suppose.

Overall, Murder Buys a One-Way Ticket is another classic Jaine adventure with all the characters and moments you’ve come to love, complete with a Lance disaster (think makeover time for Jaine) and some classic Prozac misbehavior. There are lots of moments here to love and enjoy, and yet plenty to keep the mystery going and our sleuth skills on point. Highly recommended, as usual.

– Frances Carden

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