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About Stephanie Perry

Stephanie P. is a writer, editor, and blogger. Her secret shame is dystopian YA fiction. You can find her wherever the books and food are.

Summer 2019 Book Preview

It’s summertime, and the reading is good! Of course, this season is full of mysteries, thrillers, and romances for your beach-reading pleasure, and we’ve got lots of those in our list of summer 2019 books. But you’ll also find some literary fiction, memoirs, and essay collections to class things up a bit. Plus a hearty helping of time-travel, sci-fi and apocalypse fiction! Wherever your summer may take you — even if it’s just to the couch with a fan and an ice-cold drink — these hot new summer 2019 books are guaranteed to keep you busy until fall. JUNE Fall; [...]

2024-02-14T06:32:49-07:00June 6th, 2019|Tags: |

Spring 2019 Book Preview

The store shelves are overflowing with pastel-wrapped candy, while eyeballs, throats and noses everywhere are getting itchy and congested: it must be spring! So here’s a basketful of the freshest new books — fiction and nonfiction — to celebrate the new season. From true-crime history to near-future sci-fi to dystopian novels ripped from today’s headlines, there’s something here for every reader who’s just now emerging, bleary and yawning, from a winter hibernation. MARCH Before She Knew Him: A Novel (out now)Author: Peter Swanson There seems to be no end to the marital thriller trend, so who are we to stop? [...]

2019-04-03T20:30:43-07:00April 3rd, 2019|Tags: , |

Fall 2018’s Best New Cookbooks

There’s no shortage of reasons for why fall is objectively the best season of all, but let me add one more piece of evidence to the pile: Fall is when the summer heat finally fades and you can get back to the business of rib-sticking, comfort-food home cooking (and wear the forgiving layers that conceal the effects of all that hearty eating). With Thanksgiving just around the corner, these cookbooks can add some zip to your tried-and-true holiday menu, or get a head start on holiday shopping for your favorite cook. There’s even a cocktail cookbook for the home bartenders! [...]

2023-10-02T22:22:53-07:00November 19th, 2018|
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