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About Stephanie Perry

Stephanie P. is a writer, editor, and blogger. Her secret shame is dystopian YA fiction. You can find her wherever the books and food are.

7 Slow Cooker Cookbooks for Cozy Cooking

It may technically be spring, but here in the Pacific Northwest (and maybe where you are, too), there’s still plenty of rain and/or snow ahead before the weather warms up. The good news is, this is ideal slow-cooker time! True, you still have to drag yourself out into the cold for work or school, BUT you can have a delicious, piping-hot dinner waiting for you when you get home — even on busy weeknights! These handy cookbooks will get you started with slow cooking and even help you choose the right size and model for your needs. Cooking Light Slow-Cooker [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:18-07:00April 27th, 2015|Tags: , |

Modern Retellings of Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre Retellings? Reader, We Reviewed Them There’s nothing quite like Jane Eyre, that classic gothic romance about a young Victorian woman torn between passionate love and her spiritual integrity. Or, well, maybe there is, actually. These modern retellings of Jane Eyre have settings ranging from 1950s Britain to a steampunk alternate universe powered by fairy technology. Will one of these adaptations win your heart? An American Heir: A Modern Retelling of Jane Eyre Author: Chrissy Breen Keffer One problem with moving a classic story two centuries into the future is making the plot adapt to a drastically different society. [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:19-07:00April 22nd, 2015|Tags: |

Spring 2015 Books We Can’t Wait to Read

Time travel, apocalypses, and abduction, oh my! These spring 2015 books include some fantastic sci-fi and speculative fiction that I’m really excited about, plus some shocking stranger-than-fiction real-life stories. Which one are you most excited about? Girl in the Dark: A Memoir (available now) Author: Anna Lyndsey Anna is a young woman with a fast-paced job at a hectic government office when she develops an unusual health problem: light makes her face hurt. As her mysterious condition spreads to her entire body, Anna realizes she can no longer live normally or take care of herself. Her only solution is retreating [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:19-07:00April 10th, 2015|Tags: |
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