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About Stephanie Perry

Stephanie P. is a writer, editor, and blogger. Her secret shame is dystopian YA fiction. You can find her wherever the books and food are.

Love Jane Austen? New books you won’t want to miss

With so many books already written about Jane Austen, you might think there would be nothing left to say about the author and her six classic novels. But you would be wrong! These new Jane Austen books, including fiction and nonfiction, explore Austen’s life as well as the society she lived in, and even explore what must be the #1 Austenite fantasy: traveling back in time to meet the author herself. Ring the servant for some tea and settle in for a very civilized afternoon. Jane Austen, the Secret Radical Author: Helena Kelly Jane Austen’s novels are such delightfully fluffy [...]

2017-08-17T09:01:51-07:00June 29th, 2017|Tags: |

You’ll Love These Inspiring Graduation Book Gifts

Can you believe it’s already June? Well, your favorite high school or college graduate sure can, because they’ve been watching the calendar, stressing through finals, and getting their caps and gowns ready. So mark this important milestone with the perfect graduation book gift — wise, thoughtful, funny advice that will help them begin the next exciting chapter of their lives. Here are some of our favorite graduation book gifts for the star student in your life. Congratulations, graduates! Very Good Lives: The Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Importance of Imagination Author: J. K. Rowling Who wouldn’t want J.K. Rowling to be [...]

2017-06-01T22:05:42-07:00June 1st, 2017|Tags: , , |

Great New Book Gifts for Mother’s Day 2017

Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 14, 2017! We would never dream of suggesting that you forgot such an important day, but just in case you find yourself needing a thoughtful Mother's Day gift for your book-loving mom (other than KFC's Colonel Sanders romance ebook, that is), we’ve got a few ideas. These new books came out in spring 2017, so most likely she hasn’t bought them for herself yet. Each one would make a great Mother's Day book gift! From suspenseful thrillers to celebrity memoirs and food writing, pick the book that fits your recipient best, and make some room on [...]

2017-05-08T14:45:03-07:00May 7th, 2017|Tags: |
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