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Book vs. Movie

Book Vs Movie: The Shining

King v Kubrick Author: Stephen King Stanley Kubrick’s film edition of The Shining has long been one of my favorite horror movies. Its mood and atmosphere coupled with creepy imagery and high-end acting has captured many, except oddly Stephen King. The reason why becomes obvious when you read the book, which still has that same isolated paranoia but its own separate twist which is far more subtle and drawn out. My first reading of The Shining a few years ago left me lackluster and left the book being donated (a rarity for my hoarding style library). When my husband, though, [...]

2020-05-14T08:43:03-07:00April 6th, 2020|

Book vs. Movie — The Princess Bride

True Love Always Wins The Story True love is the driving force behind The Princess Bride, a gentle spoof of the classic fairy tale.  In the picturesque country of Florin, the exceedingly handsome yet humble Westley and the extraordinarily beautiful Buttercup – having quietly pined for years – finally conjure up the courage to express their great love for each other.  But cruel fate intervenes, taking Westley far overseas where he tragically falls victim to the Dread Pirate Roberts.  Years pass by and the still mourning Buttercup has no choice but to accept the hand of the ethically challenged Prince [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:43-07:00April 13th, 2014|

Book vs. Movie — The Lord of the Rings

J.R.R. Tolkien vs. Peter Jackson The Story The evil Lord Sauron has been slowly building his strength in the East, plotting his takeover of Middle Earth – a magical and bounteous land of Elves, Men, Dwarves, Hobbits and dozens of other creatures.  The only missing piece to his malevolent puzzle is the One Ring, which he treacherously created in the depths of time, but subsequently lost in an ancient battle.  Over the following millennia, he has been biding his time, striving to regain the lost ring and restore himself to indomitable power.  Meanwhile, the ring has fallen into the hands [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:50-07:00December 3rd, 2013|
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