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Killer Clown

Methodical and Chilling: The Story of John Wayne Gacy, Jr Author: Terry Sullivan John Wayne Gacy Jr – many have heard the name and know the basics of the story, a serial killer, famous for stowing his dead victims in his own house, and conversely playing a clown for children’s charities, but the actual details are far more chilling and meticulously executed than the lore.  Killer Clown, despite its unfortunate B-movie name, is a serious and thorough account written by Terri Sullivan, the prosecutor in the famous 70s Gacy case. It begins with the disappearance of Gacy’s final victim and traces the [...]

2020-05-31T22:12:10-07:00May 31st, 2020|Tags: |

5 Great Books From 2017

Laura doesn't always get the chance to review the great books she reads, so here she recommends five you shouldn't miss from 2017.

2017-12-20T14:32:24-07:00December 19th, 2017|

Winter/Spring 2016 Book Preview

Now that we’ve finished picking our favorite fiction and nonfiction of 2015, it’s time for the spring 2016 book preview! And man, there are a ton of awesome-sounding books coming out this year that we can’t wait to read. If you’re ready to fill your to-read list, let’s get started with this spring 2016 book preview, shall we? Mr. Splitfoot (available now) Author: Samantha Hunt In this surreal gothic fantasy, Ruth and Nat are orphans in a home for abandoned children who entertain their fellow orphans by channeling the dead. Many years later, Ruth’s niece Cora becomes pregnant and is suddenly [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:06-07:00January 21st, 2016|
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