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Great Minds Don’t Read Alike

It's an awkward but undeniable fact that like-minded people — even when they're both avid readers — don't always like the same stuff. There have been plenty of times when a book-loving friend recommended something to me that I couldn't get into, or even manage to finish (shh, don't tell). It tends to make me feel a little guilty and embarrassed, like it's something wrong with me for not being able to like this book that everybody else seemingly loves. The most recent example I can think of is Code Name Verity, which has been recommended to me by multiple [...]

2016-12-31T17:59:08-07:00October 10th, 2012|

Free Books and Zombie Cats

We like this combination. Sue looked just like this while reading Zombie Cat. Sort of. As you probably already gleaned, we here at Readers Lane really, really like free stuff.  Who doesn't?  And we like free books best of all, so when a publisher offers to send us one, we are in our happy place. The good people at Skyhorse Publishing recently sent me a copy of an adult humor picture book entitled Zombie Cat.  It's as though their media contact Michael Shane lives in my head - cats plus zombies?  Count me in! I'm not always a [...]

2016-12-31T17:59:08-07:00September 27th, 2012|

Cooks and Books

Summer is over, and that's OK with me. Our summer never really got going here in Seattle anyway, and there are plenty of things to love about fall: cardigans and knee-high boots, pumpkin spice lattes and freshly baked bread. Even the shorter days aren't so bad — I prefer to think of it as longer evenings for cozy couch reading. Right now, I'm reading the magical, darkly gothic smash YA hit Shadow and Bone (check out a free Kindle preview of chapters 1-5) and simmering a batch of red onion jam in my trusty Dutch oven. There's nothing like the [...]

2016-12-31T17:59:08-07:00September 25th, 2012|Tags: , , , |
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