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Keep it Simple with the Q&A a Day Journal

Theoretically, I love keeping a diary, but in practice I haven’t been very diligent about it in, oh, the past 10 years or so. Partly, it’s because the rise of smartphones and photo-sharing apps have made it so easy to visually capture and archive everyday life, but that’s not the same as having a blank page for free-form musing on life events, emotional states, goals and dreams, or good old rage-venting. And I regularly feel shame when I look at my pristine, neglected Moleskine journal, covered in a furry layer of dust. So I’m trying out the Q&A a Day: [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:20-07:00April 6th, 2015|

Literary Travel: Cordoba, Argentina

After Montevideo, Uruguay, the second stop on our South American trip was Cordoba, Argentina. While we were looking forward to seeing Buenos Aires, I often find that I enjoy the medium-sized, less touristy cities most of all. And it was true once again — Cordoba’s mix of history, colonial architecture, and vibrant student life made this my favorite city overall. However, as we’ll see, it wasn’t the easiest place to find a book. After exploring the charming streets of Cordoba, Argentina, my wanderlust led me to dream of a completely different kind of adventure in Hawaii. Just like the allure [...]

2023-11-09T05:07:07-07:00April 1st, 2015|

Bookish Baking: Banana Zucchini Cranberry Bread

“Spring cleaning” has a pretty generous definition at my house, and includes concepts such as “spending an afternoon reading old magazines so I can recycle them” or “at-home makeover day to use up my hoard of beauty samples.” Another acceptable definition is “turning about-to-die banana and zucchini into delicious sweet bread.” This banana-zucchini-cranberry bread is practically a pantry cleanout in itself! It also makes for a sweet reward after de-cluttering your bookshelves. My loaf was inspired by this delicious cranberry banana bread at Laurie’s Homestead Breakfast House in Long Beach, WA. Banana-Zucchini-Cranberry Bread Ingredients 3 eggs 3/4 cup [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:21-07:00March 31st, 2015|Tags: |
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