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Thanksgiving Books for Kids

I’m not even done pawing through the Halloween clearance candy and it’s already almost Thanksgiving! If you, like me, will be taking on turkey-dinner hosting duties this year, here’s a selection of books to throw at the kids to keep them busy while you’re trussing up birds, toasting bread cubes, and trying to figure out where in the hell the gizzards went. The First Thanksgiving: A Lift-the-Flap Book This board book is intended for readers young enough to be more interested in chewing on the book than reading it, so you’ll have to forgive its rather cheery and glossed-over treatment [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:51-07:00November 17th, 2013|Tags: |

A Bad Match

Today was the official launch of Amazon’s Kindle Matchbook program, which allows you to buy inexpensive ($3 or less) e-book versions of print books that you’ve previously purchased. They were bragging that over 70,000 titles were already available, and I was pretty excited to see which e-books I’d be eligible for — particularly because many of the books I buy on Amazon are gifts, and so I don’t actually have a copy of them at all. Since I almost always feel the evil temptation to gently, carefully read a book before giving it as a present, I wouldn’t have to [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:52-07:00October 29th, 2013|Tags: , , |

Bookish Baking: Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

One more reason to love fall: there are so many excuses to bake pumpkin things! Whether it's a Halloween party, a potluck dinner, or just a cozy night at home, I'll find some way to wedge a pumpkin-flavored baked good in there (not that it usually takes much arm-twisting). I just baked up a batch of one of my favorite recipes — pumpkin chocolate chip cookies — for a game night with some friends, and if you need a foolproof recipe that's a guaranteed crowd-pleaser, you should give this one a try. Even people who don't normally like pumpkin enjoy [...]

2025-01-20T02:09:29-07:00October 26th, 2013|Tags: , , |
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