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Plain Truth

"Our culture promotes individuality, while the Amish are deeply entrenched in community. To us, if someone stands out, it's not a big deal because diversity is respected and expected. To the Amish, there's no room for deviation from the norm. It's important to fit it, because that similarity of identity is what defines the society. If you don't fit in, the consequences are psychologically tragic - you stand alone when all you've ever known is being part of the group" -- from Plain Truth, chapter 16. Jodi Picoult's Plain Truth is a suspenseful story about a murder trial. A newborn [...]

2016-12-31T17:57:49-07:00September 21st, 2011|Tags: , , |


Toni Morrison is able to weave a tale so intricate that it may take several readings before one can figure out what happened. Morrison begins the mystery with the very first sentence: "They kill the white girl first." I momentarily stopped reading after that first sentence. After the initial shock wore off, I flipped back a few pages to make sure I was starting at the beginning and that I hadn't missed the first chapter. After finishing the book, I went back and re-read the first chapter. I was ashamed to say I didn't know which character was murdered. The [...]

2016-12-31T17:57:49-07:00September 21st, 2011|Tags: |

Falling Up

If you laugh at farters or if you think spitting watermelon seeds in the yard and counting the ones that stick to your friends means a big time, then this is your kind of poem book. Actually, if you say poy-im rather than po-um, then you probably shouldn't drink chocolate milk and read this book at the same time. First, I should tell you that this is my favorite poy-im book. Yes. I did read the classics in college. And I yes I did pass my classes. I still don't see why we had to read that poem about the [...]

2016-12-31T17:57:50-07:00September 13th, 2011|Tags: |
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