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3 Reasons Why Tudor Life Might Be Better than You Think

What does a 21st-century person need to know about how to be a Tudor? When people think about life in Tudor-era England (basically the 16th century), they often imagine the extremes — either the glittering wealth and lavish courts of King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I, or a miserable medieval peasant’s grim existence. But, as historian Ruth Goodman explains in her new book How To Be a Tudor, there were many people in between. Farmers owned land and raised animals, skilled tradesmen made beautiful and high-quality handmade goods, and the monasteries offered employment, community, and social welfare. And Goodman [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:01-07:00March 17th, 2016|Tags: , , |

I Went to the Amazon Bookstore So You Don’t Have To

When the Amazon bookstore in Seattle opened last week, I asked my friends whether they planned to go and got mostly angry, “hell no” anti-Amazon reactions. But I couldn’t help being curious about… whatever it is Amazon thinks they’re doing. So I decided to spare you a trip and go check it out! Inside the Store The Amazon bookstore is located in the University Village mall, or “outdoor lifestyle shopping center,” which probably tells you everything you need to know. It’s the kind of place that has three Starbucks locations so the Lululemon-wearing ladies don’t have to walk too far [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:08-07:00November 11th, 2015|

Bookish Baking: Pumpkin Oatmeal Breakfast Muffins

My fall pumpkin addiction is unstoppable! There are pumpkins on the front porch, decorative gourds artfully arranged on the table, and cans of pumpkin puree stacked in the pantry. Last night I couldn’t hold back the urge to bake any longer and went on a two-for-one pumpkin spree: pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and these pumpkin oatmeal muffins. Made with oats, pumpkin, walnuts, and eggs, a couple of these little guys are a filling breakfast. Or serve them toasted and topped with pumpkin butter or cream cheese for afternoon tea or book club! Best made the day before, these muffins taste moister [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:09-07:00October 22nd, 2015|
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