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In a World of Bad Horror Books, Quenched is the #1 Stinker Author: Mary Ann Mitchell A few months ago, I discovered book lots on ebay; figuring this would be a good way to get loads of books cheap and discover new authors, I started out as I meant to go on with a mystery lot of 70 horror books. When said mystery lot arrived, I avidly read the blurbs of the novels with most enticing covers (or corny titles). Loads of goodies from the 80s were in there, and my first few experiments were positive, entrancing me with scintillatingly [...]

2016-12-31T17:53:40-07:00May 1st, 2015|


In a World of Bad Horror Books, Quenched is the #1 Stinker Author: Mary Ann Mitchell A few months ago, I discovered book lots on ebay; figuring this would be a good way to get loads of books cheap and discover new authors, I started out as I meant to go on with a mystery lot of 70 horror books. When said mystery lot arrived, I avidly read the blurbs of the novels with most enticing covers (or corny titles). Loads of goodies from the 80s were in there, and my first few experiments were positive, entrancing me with scintillatingly [...]

2016-12-31T17:53:42-07:00April 25th, 2015|Tags: |

Sex Before Marriage: A Sin?

Sex Before Marriage: A Serious Study? Author: Aaron Cavanaugh After having read a fairly insulting online article which proclaimed sex before marriage as inherently sinful via proof texting (i.e. applying Bible verses out of context to prove a certain point), I began thinking through the issue. Personally, as a Christian, I’m on the fence with a definitive “not sure” stance, and although offended by the condescending article, my current Bible study regime led me to explore the issue more in-depth from multiple angles. Over the last year or two, I’ve been more firmly in the camp of better safe than [...]

2025-01-08T19:23:08-07:00December 21st, 2014|Tags: |
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