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Top Ten Lists

Essential Eclipse Reading

The countdown to the August 21, 2017, eclipse is on! And what better way to prepare than reading a stack of eclipse books? Whether you’re lucky enough to be in the path of totality on the big day, or you’re planning to watch the eclipse via livestream, we have some fascinating eclipse books if you want to learn more about the science and history of eclipses. And if you haven’t made your eclipse plans yet, here’s some handy info to help you decide: This interactive eclipse map will show you where the eclipse path falls, and what you’re likely to [...]

2017-08-17T09:21:19-07:00August 17th, 2017|

Summer 2017 Book Preview

It’s summertime, and we know what we want: thrilling page-turners and ice-cold beverages. Whether you’re looking for science fiction, murder mysteries, YA romance, or nonfiction, we’ve got plenty to fill your beach bag! Plop into a hammock, check out our summer 2017 book preview, and get comfy… it’s hot out there. The Bright Hour: A Memoir of Living and Dying Author: Nina Riggs Poet Nina Riggs was only 37 when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer. But within a year, her condition advanced to terminal cancer. A wife, a mother to two young boys, and a successful writer, Riggs [...]

2017-07-09T21:51:56-07:00July 9th, 2017|Tags: , , , |

Love Jane Austen? New books you won’t want to miss

With so many books already written about Jane Austen, you might think there would be nothing left to say about the author and her six classic novels. But you would be wrong! These new Jane Austen books, including fiction and nonfiction, explore Austen’s life as well as the society she lived in, and even explore what must be the #1 Austenite fantasy: traveling back in time to meet the author herself. Ring the servant for some tea and settle in for a very civilized afternoon. Jane Austen, the Secret Radical Author: Helena Kelly Jane Austen’s novels are such delightfully fluffy [...]

2017-08-17T09:01:51-07:00June 29th, 2017|Tags: |
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