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Top Ten Lists

Spring 2015 Books We Can’t Wait to Read

Time travel, apocalypses, and abduction, oh my! These spring 2015 books include some fantastic sci-fi and speculative fiction that I’m really excited about, plus some shocking stranger-than-fiction real-life stories. Which one are you most excited about? Girl in the Dark: A Memoir (available now) Author: Anna Lyndsey Anna is a young woman with a fast-paced job at a hectic government office when she develops an unusual health problem: light makes her face hurt. As her mysterious condition spreads to her entire body, Anna realizes she can no longer live normally or take care of herself. Her only solution is retreating [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:19-07:00April 10th, 2015|Tags: |

5 Awesome Easter Craft Books for Kids and Grownups

You can always try an Easter egg mani, like I did a couple of years ago. Easter Sunday is April 5 this year, and while there’s a unique charm to a tie-dyed egg salad made from dyed eggs, I sometimes get the urge to branch out into trying different Easter crafts. If you’re looking for family-friendly projects, check out these Easter craft books for some springtime inspiration.     Pysanky: Easter Eggs of Eastern Europe: Coloring Pages for Kids and Kids at Heart Never heard of “pysanky” (PEH-san-keh)? You’ve probably seen these intricately decorated Ukrainian eggs without realizing [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:21-07:00March 23rd, 2015|Tags: , |

5 Mouth-Watering Literary Cookbooks

Do you like food? Do you like books? Do I even have to ask? The rich sensory detail of food has a strangely immersive power when reading fiction — think of iconic dishes like Narnia’s tempting Turkish delight or Harry Potter’s festive butterbeer. These cookbooks, ranging from the imagined cuisine of a medieval fantasy world to a fictional detective’s homemade specialties, will give you a new way to appreciate your favorite works of fiction. And if you like cooking and baking, take a look at our Bookish Baking recipes. A Feast of Ice and Fire Authors: Chelsea Monroe-Cassel, Sariann Lehrer [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:23-07:00February 24th, 2015|
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