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Top Ten Lists

Fall 2014 Preview: Hot New Fiction and Nonfiction

Sure, summer was great and all, but don’t pretend you’re not secretly looking forward to fall’s chilly weather, cozy fireside evenings, and stacks of books. Okay, maybe I’m projecting; fall is definitely my favorite season, especially when I look ahead at all the great books that will be coming out! Here’s a selection of our most anticipated titles — start filling up your library hold list now. The Bone Clocks, by David Mitchell (September 2) Always original and sometimes incomprehensible, Cloud Atlas author David Mitchell is back with an eagerly anticipated new novel called The Bone Clocks. 15-year-old Holly Sykes [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:35-07:00September 1st, 2014|

Wedding Planning Guides for DIY Brides

Want a wedding that truly reflects you and your spouse-to-be’s personalities? It doesn’t have to cost tens of thousands of dollars — especially if you save money by doing it the homemade, DIY way. Everything from save-the-date cards to the wedding favors guests take as they leave can be done by hand, if you want to put in the time (and if you don’t want to spend dozens of hours etching souvenir wine glasses, that’s totally understandable!). These helpful guides not only give you style inspiration and project ideas, they break down the cost in time and money to help [...]

2021-07-27T07:23:48-07:00August 28th, 2014|Tags: , |

5 Cookbooks for Summer Cooking

Here in Seattle, we've had some unusually hot summer days — I’m talking temps in the 90s. And that means it is TOO HOT TO COOK. These great summer cookbooks will get you out of that stuffy kitchen and into the backyard, grilling up simple and delicious meals using fresh seasonal ingredients. Or if that seems like too much effort, feel free to simply pour yourself a mimosa for dinner and leaf through the pages as you slowly sweat to death in front of a fan. Summer Food: New Summer Classics As soon as you see the deliciously ripe heirloom [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:38-07:00July 30th, 2014|
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