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Top Ten Lists

Your Next 5: Dystopians for Grownups

I’ve talked before about Your Next 5, the awesome free Seattle Public Library service where librarians create customized reading lists for you based on your favorite authors, genres, and titles. After all, who better than a librarian to introduce you to a great new book? You may already know that I have a bit of a YA dystopian obsession, which means I’ve plowed through most of the better-known and recently published ones. So this time, I was looking for dystopian novels for adult audiences, ideally some obscure or older titles that haven’t gotten the love they deserve. Oh, and enough [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:45-07:00March 27th, 2014|

Spring is Finally Here!

Welcome Home, Feathered Friends! The majestic sandhill crane, a sure sign of spring in Wisconsin. Maybe more than anything else – at least here in the regularly glaciated state of Wisconsin – it’s the arrival of various birds that serve as the most reliable evidence that spring is finally on the way.  No matter how cold it is or how much ice and snow continue to cover our sloppy brown landscape, sometime in March, the robins, red-wing blackbirds, sandhill cranes, turkey vultures, Canada geese and assorted other migrants finally arrive.  I often wonder how they can appear so [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:45-07:00March 25th, 2014|

Reading List: Schools of Magic

Beyond Hogwarts I don’t know about you, but I was pretty sure as a kid that I had some latent but definitely mighty magical power, and as soon as it manifested — which would be any minute now — some enchanted creature would be whisking me off to Magic School, or maybe on an urgent quest to Save the World. That never really worked out (I should have realized that my ordinary name alone instantly disqualified me), but if this selection of books about magical schools is anything to judge by, I’m hardly alone in this particular fantasy. (Needless to [...]

2019-07-16T16:12:44-07:00March 4th, 2014|Tags: |
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