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Top Ten Lists

Graduation Gifts

Books & Gift Cards.  Perfect. It’s almost June, and that means it’s time for the annual onslaught of graduation announcements. Whether you’ve got a soon-to-be grad in the house or you’ve just received some fancy parchment-paper envelopes in your mailbox, put down the checkbook and choose one of these books as a more thoughtful and original graduation gift. Of course, the wisdom of the ages goes down a little easier when sugar-coated with cash, so don’t forget to check out our suggested gift-card pairings to add a bit of fun — after all, your graduate has earned it! What I [...]

2016-12-31T17:59:00-07:00May 27th, 2013|

Valentine’s Day Books for the maladjusted, unromantic, misanthrope. You know who you are.

Is this how you feel about Valentine's Day? Then you are in the right place. No more candy, no more hearts, lots of anti-Valentine's Day reading charts! If you’re the kind of person who knocks heart-shaped boxes of chocolates out of little old ladies’ hands and hisses when confronted with a teddy bear holding silk roses, have we got the anti-valentine's day reading list for you! Each of these heart-chilling selections is guaranteed to confirm your darkest suspicions about human nature and is perfect for reading blissfully alone, by the light of a flaming Hallmark-card bonfire.   Hate [...]

2020-02-06T19:21:53-07:00February 12th, 2013|Tags: , , |

6 Great Romance Novels

Love is in the air... It's February!  Certainly time for a few great romances to fill out your home library.  Instead of choosing classic romances for our top 6, we've decided on some more contemporary choices to sate your romantic (book) desires.   No bodice rippers (not that we have anything against those) or Jane Austen (not that we have anything against her, either) - instead we've chosen novels that will appeal to the romantic in everyone, from teenager to time traveler.  Even if Valentine's Day isn't on your radar, take a chance on fictional love and dig in.  You can [...]

2016-12-31T17:59:03-07:00February 4th, 2013|Tags: |
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