Until very recently, if I thought about Archie comics at all, it was along with Reader’s Digest and TV Guide in the category of “mini-magazines that old people buy at the grocery checkout counter.” But issue #1 of the new Archie reboot has made me a convert and a diehard fan! Here’s why.
Written by Mark Waid (Daredevil) and penciled by Fiona Staples (Saga
), this origin story starts with the shocking breakup of Archie and Betty, a couple “since kindergarten” — before sultry brunette Veronica even moves to town. All we know is that it’s due to a mysterious “Lipstick Incident,” and even mass quantities of sugary bribes won’t get Archie’s loyal friend Jughead to spill the beans. In classic Archie fashion, there’s some light-hearted scheming and slapstick jokes, but the characters have depth and emotional nuance that makes us care about them and their teen angst. (Is it weird that I also think Archie is kind of hot? He may be in high school, but he is 73 years old, so it’s legal.)
Riverdale still has a wholesome, all-American feel, but with some important updates. Most noticeably, the population is realistically diverse: we see black, East Asian, and South Asian characters both in the background and with dialogue. And the fashions and tech devices set the story firmly in the present — Betty’s a no-frills jock, but other girls rock skinny jeans, dyed hair, and ankle boots, and the guys play video games on modern consoles. With these promising signs, is it too much to hope for that Veronica might be drawn as a Middle Eastern or Latina girl to round out the cast?
Reactions to the new comic have been mixed, to say the least; some long-time fans of the old format don’t welcome the drastic shake-up. Will the reboot appeal to brand-new readers who have never read Archie before, or do they need the support of existing readers? That remains to be seen, but I’m optimistic that the high-quality writing and art will prove itself to the doubters.
Take a look at some spreads from issue #1. And see some alternate cover art and more pages at Archie Comics’ website.
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