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Summer 2018 Book Preview

Some might say summer is a time for “getting outdoors” or “being active” rather than reading, but I must respectfully disagree! Anyone who has enjoyed a waterlogged romance novel at the pool, or fallen asleep in the sun with an open book on their face, knows that reading is an essential part of summer. Any book is summer reading if you want it to be, but we have a great list of summer 2018 books, packed with suspense, mystery, memoir, humor and more. And if you just can’t resist homework, don’t forget to download a Seattle Public Library Summer Book Bingo [...]

2018-07-23T22:03:55-07:00June 21st, 2018|Tags: , |

Spring 2018 Book Preview

Spring has sprung (according to my calendar, if not my thermometer), the pollen is invading, and a juicy new crop of books is in bloom! If you’re emerging from hibernation ravenous for some new reading, there’s plenty already out, and even more coming soon. Take a look below for the hottest new spring 2018 books: thrillers, sci-fi, YA, historical fiction, nonfiction and more! OUT NOW The Book of Seeds: A Life-Size Guide to Six Hundred Species from around the World Editor: Paul Smith Consider the humble seed: nature’s own hardy, compostable packaging for plants of all kinds, they’re designed to [...]

2018-04-23T21:25:55-07:00April 23rd, 2018|

Modern Retellings of Little Women

First published in 1868, Little Women is an American classic that celebrates its 150th anniversary in 2018. So it’s no surprise that it has its fair share of modern retellings. Some are more true to the source material than others, but all of these updates are worth checking out for readers who love the original. How many of these Little Women retellings are on your shelf? Books The Spring Girls: A Modern-Day Retelling of Little Women Author: Anna Todd In this military-flavored Little Women retelling, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy Spring are struggling with growing up on the New Orleans [...]

2018-03-27T19:02:07-07:00March 21st, 2018|
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