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5 Literary Gems You Probably Missed

Check Out These Knock-Out Debut Novels Some novels get all the press. These are the big titles that everyone seems to hear about in the media, and they are usually featured prominently on Barnes & Noble’s front tables. Think All the Light We Cannot See, The Goldfinch, and Gone Girl. Many abundantly-exposed books live up to the hype, but there are so many other literary gems that are just waiting to be savored by discerning readers. In the last few years alone, I’ve stumbled upon a handful of books that didn’t get a fraction of the publicity they deserved. Each [...]

2017-04-12T14:18:26-07:00April 12th, 2017|

Spring 2017 Book Preview

Ah, spring — when you’ve plowed through all the gift books you got for the holidays and you’re ready for a whole new stack. Well, we’re here to help! Spring 2017 features a ton of great new fiction and nonfiction that you’ll want to bookmark, put on your hold list, or run out to your local bookstore to buy. Take a look at our top spring 2017 books and get to work! OUT NOW King's Cage (out now) Author: Victoria Aveyard   No punches are pulled in this third volume of the Red Queen series. Mare Barrow, you may recall, [...]

2017-03-25T15:36:29-07:00March 25th, 2017|

Love Libraries? Make Your Own Seattle Coloring Book

We love libraries, and we love coloring books. So we got really excited when we saw that the Seattle Public Library was creating coloring pages for every library branch. Then we got even more excited when we realized that this means you can make your own library coloring book! Find your favorite branch from the list of coloring pages below, or visit the branch in person to pick up a paper copy. To make your library coloring book, just print out all the pages below to make a complete set! (Well, almost complete — the Greenwood branch is closed for [...]

2017-03-10T00:22:43-07:00March 10th, 2017|Tags: , |
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