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5 Great Father’s Day Book Gifts for Dad

C'mon, you can do better than one of these. Father’s Day is just around the corner on Sunday, June 15. But you still have plenty of time to snap up one of these recently published dad-friendly books for a perfectly thoughtful gift! (If your dad embraces technology, you can procrastinate even longer before beaming an e-book directly at his e-reader.) For #1 Kid bonus points, consider our suggested add-ons, too. If you're looking for a gift that's both fun and personalized, why not consider getting your dad a Custom Bobbleheads Dolls? These adorable and unique gifts can [...]

2023-03-06T23:22:27-07:00June 8th, 2014|Tags: , |

Reading List: Orphan Black Clones

My friends have been raving about “Orphan Black” for months now, so when I finally sat down to watch it this week, I was fully prepared for the usual disappointing experience surrounding anything that’s been hyped to death. But I’m delighted to report that this BBC series is every bit as good as everyone says! While the human-cloning idea isn’t new, the treatment is: gritty, suspenseful, and sexy, emphasizing the clones’ complicated relationships with each other and the world. If you’ve been hesitant about watching the show because it’s sci-fi, don’t worry — the tone is more like an action [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:43-07:00April 16th, 2014|Tags: , |

Book vs. Movie — The Princess Bride

True Love Always Wins The Story True love is the driving force behind The Princess Bride, a gentle spoof of the classic fairy tale.  In the picturesque country of Florin, the exceedingly handsome yet humble Westley and the extraordinarily beautiful Buttercup – having quietly pined for years – finally conjure up the courage to express their great love for each other.  But cruel fate intervenes, taking Westley far overseas where he tragically falls victim to the Dread Pirate Roberts.  Years pass by and the still mourning Buttercup has no choice but to accept the hand of the ethically challenged Prince [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:43-07:00April 13th, 2014|
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