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My Next 5 Books (According to the Seattle Public Library)

One of the niftier services offered by the Seattle Public Library is Your Next 5, where a librarian creates a custom reading list for you based on what you’ve been reading and what you like. Having just recently discovered Kage Baker’s funny, light-hearted, yet touching fantasy novels, I was eager to see what they’d recommend, so I asked for “fantasy novels with rich world-building and a sarcastic/humorous narrative voice.” The results were pretty spot-on! I enjoyed the His Majesty’s Dragon series, and I love Robin Hobb (which I probably should have mentioned in my request). I’ve tried the Amber novels [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:50-07:00November 27th, 2013|Tags: |

Book vs. Movie — 12 Years a Slave

Solomon Northup vs. Steve McQueen The Story It’s 1841 in the small town of Saratoga, New York, and Solomon Northup, a free black man, has established himself as an upstanding and honorable citizen with a loving wife and three – two in the movie – beautiful children.  It’s a day like any other when he’s approached by two businessmen from the big city who offer him work in New York City and Washington DC, which he accepts with enthusiasm not suspecting treachery.  After a few days, he finds himself drugged and in chains, captive in a basement in the nation’s [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:51-07:00November 17th, 2013|

More Cozy Mysteries

Silly Sleuths and Cozy Crimes Even though mysteries aren’t my favorite genre, I have to admit I have a soft spot for cozy mysteries. Any theme is fair game for one of these lighthearted, cutesy whodunits: bakeries and caterers of all kinds, beading and knitting camps, even a magical dressmaking shop. (I’m even less interested in living in a small town now, however, since they seem to be hotbeds of murder. Wait, that’s it — I’ll start a Mattress Store Mystery series and call the first one Hotbeds of Murder!) If you find cozy mysteries as cornily charming as I [...]

2016-12-31T17:58:51-07:00November 6th, 2013|Tags: |
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