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Getting Trashy

…Trashy reading, that is! (For once, I’m not editorializing: I mean books about landfills, recycling, and garbage.) “You only like to read about bummers,” says my boyfriend disapprovingly. He’s not wrong — last year’s hoarding obsession seems to have evolved into my current fixation with garbage and waste. (I even bought myself some garbage socks.) But it’s so interesting! Our modern, convenience-heavy lives create so much waste (plastic packaging, spoiled or uneaten food, cheap fashion from discount chains, and don’t get me started on e-waste), and as far as most of us are concerned, we dump it in the trash [...]

2016-12-31T17:59:12-07:00July 20th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , |

Book Trailer Review: Seraphina

Dragon Lady Welcome back to our book trailer reviews, where we judge a book by its trailer. This review takes us back to fantasy land with Rachel Hartman’s debut YA novel, Seraphina. (Read our full Seraphina review.) Don’t know what a book trailer is? Check out our guide. In the kingdom of Goredd, humans and dragons co-exist together in an uneasy peace; dragons can assume human form in order to live side by side with people. As the 40th anniversary of the peace treaty approaches, lavish celebrations are being planned; unfortunately for the talented musician and secretly half-dragon Seraphina Dombegh, [...]

2016-12-31T17:59:12-07:00July 13th, 2012|Tags: , , , |

Book Trailer Review: The Journal of Best Practices

Usually, people watch book trailers to learn more about an upcoming release or to decide whether they want to actually get the book. But with The Journal of Best Practices, it just so happens that I’ve already read it. So does the trailer accurately reflect the book? This is one of the longer “author interview” style trailers, clocking in at around 3 minutes. While it’s interesting to see and hear author David Finch (and his long-suffering wife Kristen), this trailer, created by the publisher, doesn’t do much to liven up the talking-head format. Some bland adult-contemporary music and a slow [...]

2016-12-31T17:59:13-07:00June 28th, 2012|Tags: , , |
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