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Book Trailer Review – Graceling

Let's take a look at the short trailer for the Graceling books.  As of this writing there are three - Graceling, Fire and Bitterblue.  Not familiar with Book Trailers?  Take a look at our handy Book Trailer Guide.     I love the look and feel of this trailer.  The very middle-ages themes and graphics, along with the battle music, bring an urgency to even such a short clip and makes the books seem exciting and filled with action.  We get the idea that the kingdoms are in peril and that there is one person who must unite them.  All [...]

2016-12-31T17:59:13-07:00June 21st, 2012|Tags: , |

Support Your Local Library

Well, it's official — I'm a volunteer! I've been a member of the Friends of the Seattle Public Library for some time, and have volunteered at their regular book sales for the past couple of years, but I just recently decided to make the jump into volunteering on their Communications Committee. This gives me god-like powers over their newsletter, broadcast emails, blog, and other communications! If you visit the Friends' website or blog in the coming months, you'll probably read something I've written. Volunteering with your local library is a great way to pad your résumé — er, I mean give [...]

2016-12-31T17:59:14-07:00June 19th, 2012|Tags: , , , |

Book Trailer Review: The Selection

Today we’re looking at the book trailer for Kiera Cass’s The Selection, the first in a forthcoming trilogy. Don't know what a book trailer is? Check out our guide. Holy budget-busters! This lovely live-action trailer is a big step up from the last trailer we reviewed, Carnival of Souls. An ornate ballroom, luxurious gowns, and even a glittering tiara make this one of the most eye-catching (and girly) previews we’ve seen. We start with a shot of a line-up of pretty young women in fancy frocks of every color, primping anxiously in the center of a brightly lit (for TV [...]

2016-12-31T17:59:14-07:00June 15th, 2012|Tags: , , , |
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