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My Kindle Honeymoon: The First 30 Days

Reader, I ordered it! The Amazon Kindle Touch, that is, after a ton of agonizing and soul-searching over whether I'd be contributing to the death of print books. I got some flak for not going with the Kindle Fire, but I really wanted an easy-on-the-eyes e-reader, not a glowing LED tablet-lite. Like any new partnership, it's been a journey of learning (occasionally, a casual swipe will do something completely unexpected, like return to the beginning of the chapter or, you know, some random location within the book), but I think we'll be able to cohabitate quite harmoniously. Here's what I've [...]

2021-02-04T14:46:20-07:00February 3rd, 2012|Tags: , , , |

My New Year’s Readolutions

Haha, whoa, that's pretty bad, isn't it? But since I seem to have significant motivational problems with resolutions that involve moving around or eating less, I thought I'd set myself some book-related resolutions this year, as that seems much more attainable (and fun). Reading resolutions = readolutions. I know, I'm sorry. 1. Finally get that Kindle and load it up with library books. A while ago, I wrote about my struggle between desiring a Kindle and not quite being able to justify one. But my biggest reason — that you couldn't borrow library books on one — has been blown to bits by [...]

2016-12-31T17:59:20-07:00December 19th, 2011|Tags: , , , |

It’s not you, it’s me.

Right now, I'm about two-thirds through Working in the Shadows: A Year of Doing the Jobs (Most) Americans Won't Do, by Gabriel Thompson. This book came out in 2010, and I had it on my "vague intentions of reading" library list for nearly a year before finally requesting it. I think I was afraid it would be intimidatingly statistic-filled, or dry and scholarly, or just too much of a downer — the same reasons my Netflix (er, I mean QWIKSTER) queue is full of impressively highbrow, award-winning, critically-acclaimed films that I blow right past in my haste to find the latest streaming [...]

2011-09-26T03:53:19-07:00September 23rd, 2011|Tags: , |
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