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What Your Counselor Never Told You: Seven Secrets Revealed-Conquer the Power of Sin in Your Lif

Sin and How it Manifests in Your Health Author: Dr. William Backus Throughout November’s C.S. Lewis year two fellowship, we set our sights on the seven deadly sins. It’s not a popular topic. If we speak of sin anymore, it’s either in a historical context (look what they believed when this book was written, when this person lived, etc.) or in a decadent fashion (Devil’s Food Cake, anyone). When we look at health and wellness, sin never even enters the picture at all. William Backus’ work proposes that a lot of our psychological and emotional problems are less the result of illness (mental or otherwise) and more the consequence [...]

2025-02-09T11:33:55-07:00February 9th, 2025|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Glittering Vices: A New Look at the Seven Deadly Sins and Their Remedies

Are The Deadlies Really Vices? Author: Rebecca DeYoung The seven deadly sins have been marketed as something decadent – the Devil’s Food Cake of “treat yourself” temptations; they’re deadly only in that, secretly, they offer an unbounded, unfathomable amount of pleasure. The “spa day” equivalent of luxury living that you dream about as you go about the hum-drum task of doing your duty, living in moderation, and secretly despairing of living under-the-radar and being satisfied with the meat-and-potatoes approach of just getting by. At least, that’s how the western cultural perception of sin has developed over time, and even as Christians, [...]

2025-02-08T15:34:37-07:00February 8th, 2025|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Jesus I Never Knew, The

An Intimate Look at a Subversive Savior Author: Philip Yancey In The Jesus I Never Knew author Philip Yancey invites his readers to step away from our presumptions, from the images on our Hallmark cards and the half-remembered stories of Sunday school, and see Jesus as He was to his followers: revolutionary (but not in the militaristic way they wanted or expected,) offensive, original, confusing, and dangerous. It’s far from the saccharine assumptions we often claim. It’s a refreshing although not unexpected approach. Yancey doesn’t bring anything new to the table that serious Christian’s didn’t already know, but he paints a [...]

2024-11-24T12:17:58-07:00November 24th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |
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