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book review

Still Life With Crows

"Truth is the safest lie." Authors: Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child Agent Pendergast is supposedly on vacation, recovering from his discovery of a vicious killer whose diabolical history intertwines with his only family past and heritage. But Pendergast does nothing for the sake of ease, and this strange vacation to a sweltering corn field in Kansas is no lark, but another journey into darkness. This time, he is following a different killer. It could be a person. It could be a monster. Whoever or whatever it is, stalks the residents and leaves increasingly distressing tableaus of carnage amongst the corn. This [...]

2024-12-28T15:22:32-07:00December 28th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , |

Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be: A Breviary of Sin

The Nature of Sin Author: Cornelius Plantinga, Jr. In modern society, our tendency is to concentrate on the positive and brush the negative under the rug. We’ve been taught that to “see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil” is the way to banish such evil, but is this rose-tinted view realistic? Cornelius Plantinga argues that our self-deception is a path towards destruction, and that to understand and receive grace, we must first acknowledge sin and the devastation it brings. Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be is a surprisingly refreshing book in that it acknowledges what we all [...]

2024-12-27T09:58:16-07:00December 27th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , |

Blood Thirst

A Thirst for Revenge Author: L.A. Freed Angela was attacked and now she is dying in her hotel room. Technically, she should be dead already. The attacker drained her blood and threw her into a river. She is pale and cold and in extreme pain. She isn’t sure what is happening, and she lingers been the desire to die and end the pain and her own stubbornness to fight through it, find her attacker, and get her revenge. Then a stranger shows up at her door and offers her a choice. She can die, or she can come to him, sacrifice [...]

2024-12-25T13:53:40-07:00December 25th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |
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