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Baseball Books…That Aren’t Really About Baseball

Baseball is a Metaphor for Everything First, a disclaimer.  I am not a baseball fan.  I know that the Milwaukee Brewers exist, but that's about the limit of my attention span for professional ball.  My kids never played Little League or T-Ball so I don't care about those, either.  Basically, I'm a crappy American.  I do love apple pie, though, so there's that. I seem to love baseball themed media, however - both books and movies.  Field of Dreams, The Natural and Moneyball on screen and recently, The Art of Fielding and Killer Instinct on the page. What is it [...]

2023-06-14T09:38:39-07:00September 11th, 2012|Tags: |

Cheap Reads: How to Get Free (and Almost-Free) Books

I read all the time — but I almost never buy books at full price. There's no need to, when you know the secrets of getting books for free or on the cheap. Read our 9 strategies for getting free and cheap books and see how many of these penny-pinching tricks are new to you. If you've got your own thrifty secrets that we didn't cover, tell us about it in the comments!

2016-12-31T17:59:10-07:00September 7th, 2012|Tags: , , , |

Mrs. Robinson’s Disgrace: The Private Diary of a Victorian Lady

We’ve Come a Long Way, Baby Author: Kate Summerscale Victorians – they’re just like us! Oh sure, they addressed their spouses by last name and wore organ-squeezing corsets and showed affection by exchanging clumps of hair, but the big stuff doesn’t change: we idealize the institution of marriage but make ill-considered, passionate matches; we act shocked and disgusted at infidelity, but secretly want to hear every juicy detail; and we love a high-profile court case that makes headlines. Unfortunately for Isabella Robinson, we don’t get to choose the ways we make history, and that’s why her name will forever be [...]

2022-07-04T06:24:22-07:00August 31st, 2012|Tags: , , , , |
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