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Forsyte Saga, The

Love Affairs, Betrayal, and Divorce Author: John Galsworthy The Forsyte Saga is an introspective journey through three generations of a newly wealthy family as they find their way in the Victorian world, seeking happiness in everything from properties to torrid love affairs. The Forsytes were farmers and are decided members of the new “rich.” As such, they are obsessed by the trappings of wealth and proving themselves worthy through ownership and propriety. As the generations follow, one after another, they learn from those before them while also repeating many of the same errors, seeking to own where they should instead accept the [...]

2024-08-03T12:42:43-07:00August 3rd, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

Framley Parsonage

Righteous Ruin Author: Anthony Trollope Have you ever had the desire to know great people? To rise above your place in life? To be with the “in” crowd and reap all the benefits that come along with popularity and status? If so, then Framley Parsonage is the Victorian-era tale of caution for you. Mark Robarts is a lucky young cleric. He was installed as a young man by Lady Lufton, and he and his wife are already living well at the parsonage, with a yearly stipend beyond what a man of his age and experience could usually hope to expect. But [...]

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

A Moving Memoir Author: Maya Angelou I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is a powerful memoir about survival, about finding beauty and a voice even in the most desperate circumstances. It’s a story about self-definition, one that starts with five-year-old Maya watching her grandmother, a respected, educated Black woman who owned a shop, being mistreated by jealous white people. From the opening lines, then, we see that Maya’s growing up will be interspersed by moments of connection and cataclysmic disruption, unfairness both inside and outside of the family. Maya doesn’t belong anywhere: not with the white community and not with [...]

2024-06-29T20:24:49-07:00June 29th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |
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