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An Urban Story of a Dark Collection Author: Tim Lebbon When Angela’s boyfriend, Vince, suddenly leaves without a word, his farewell a cryptic letter, she refuses to believe that he willingly abandoned her. As her investigation into his seemingly normal life starts to unravel an unwholesome trail, leading straight to a famous and violent crime lord, she also refuses to stop believing in Vince’s ultimate goodness. He may have lied to her about who he was and what he did, but somehow, she knows that his love was no lie. And so Angela searches and encounters a world she never knew [...]

2022-12-20T08:52:42-07:00October 30th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Heart of Midnight

Revenge and Werewolves Author:  J. Robert King All Casimir has ever wanted is revenge, at any cost. As a child, there were no games for him. Only thoughts and plans, vague memories of the night his father killed his mother and tried, but failed, to kill him. For Casimir, stuck growing up in the orphanage with only one friend, there are other things as well. Darker things that no one knows, that no one suspects. Secrets in the night that leave him covered in blood by the morning, satiated on flesh but still longing for revenge. In Casimir’s part of [...]

2022-07-31T09:45:44-07:00July 31st, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , |

Dance of the Dead

Of Zombies and Love Author: Christie Golden Larissa Snowmane is the lead dancer on La Demoiselle du Musarde, a riverboat that travels the dangerous mists, port to port, bringing entertainment. Growing up onboard this boat, Larissa only vaguely remembers her father, a man who abandoned her. Captain Dumont has taken his role as her defacto uncle seriously, however, and despite the rough ports La Demoiselle frequents and some of its less than savory business, Larissa has maintained her innocence and naïve trust. But it’s time for her to grow up, because Dumont has bided his time. He wants Larissa as his [...]

2022-07-26T09:05:53-07:00May 11th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , |
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