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Dragons of Winter Night

The Sage Continues Authors: Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman The Dragon Armies are continuing to mass across Krynn. It has been months since the companions saw the disappearance of the stars that mark the coming of the Queen of Darkness and the champion that seeks to stop her. Since then, they have been biding their time in Thorbardin, staying briefly with the dwarves and refugees from Pax Tharkas before once again going out into the world, trying to stop the rising tide of evil. In Dragons of Winter Night the saga begun in Dragons of Autumn Twilight settles into an intermission only [...]

2022-07-26T09:06:57-07:00May 10th, 2022|Tags: , , , , |


Revolutions and the Aftereffects Authors: George R.R. Martin & Lisa Tuttle In the early mornings while she and her mother comb the beach for their survival, Maris is distracted by the fliers. They swoop through the air, elegant human figures born aloft by the last of a gone age – the sails of a long-ago crashed spaceship refashioned into splendid wings. The fliers alone are free. In this world it is all islands, wind, and isolation, but the fliers link the people. They battle the elements. They soar. They bring news and gifts and connect a brutal world filled with sea [...]

2022-01-15T22:11:08-07:00January 15th, 2022|Tags: , , , , |


Comfortably Numb Author: E.J. Wenstrom Seventeen-year-old Evalee is celebrating the last night of her life. There aren’t many who are close to her, not many goodbyes to be said. After all, her death date has been tattooed on her arm from the day of her birth, a result of the Directorate’s infinite wisdom, its mission to keep all citizens from experiencing pain or discomfort. Many people live over a century. But that’s not Evalee’s case, and the date of her Departure has loomed over her short life. But she takes the pill. She says goodbye. She goes to bed, thinking over [...]

2021-10-31T16:01:03-07:00October 31st, 2021|Tags: , , , , |
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