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Knight of the Black Rose

The End of Lord Soth's Story Author: James Lowder Lord Soth was once a famous knight, but lust and pride took him down a dark path. Failing in his final mission to save his realm from the Cataclysm, he is now cursed to walk in undeath, tormented by the banshees who sing his misdeeds daily. Yet, the dark knight feels no sorrow for his fall, and there is no redemption, no wisdom, in his torments. Indeed, the centuries have only grown his obsession, and he is determined to send his ghostly seneschal into the realms of hell to retrieve the [...]

2021-10-10T11:31:05-07:00October 10th, 2021|Tags: , , , , |

Heaven’s Bones

Vivisected Angels, Dark Domains, and 19th Century London Author: Samantha Henderson Dr. Sebastian Robarts is a fallen icon, a madman with an obsession. He was unable to save his wife and child, and their deaths, compounded by his medical failure, haunt him. Casting back into everything he learned as a child, he thinks about a ponderous library and a book that swore women were fallen angels. If that is so, he wants his wife to have her wings back. He won’t fail a second time, and he’ll do anything and everything to make his macabre dream come true whatever the cost. [...]

2021-09-29T18:56:22-07:00September 29th, 2021|Tags: , , , , , , |

Vampire of the Mists

A Tragic Love, a Beautiful Vengeance Author: Christie Golden Jander Sunstar, a gold elf, remembers and longs for the sun, but his world is all darkness and death now. He lives on blood, undead and forever outcast. Only fear stops him from stepping into the sun one last time, fear that he might actually become something far worse than a vampire after his final death. But he tries to do little harm: drinking the blood of animals and rarely mixing with humans, until one night he finds a lovely woman in an insane asylum. She is the only good, innocent thing [...]

2021-09-12T19:10:13-07:00September 12th, 2021|Tags: , , , , , , |
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