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In a Book Club Far Away

Friends to Enemies to Friends Author: Tif Marcelo I came to In a Book Club Far Away for the title. What’s not to love about a book that is dedicated to people who love books? Plus, I miss my in-person book club (I moved too far away), and this evoked all those warm fuzzy memories of discussing great (and sometimes less than great) literature with others. The book club, however, is a minor story point. It’s really a catalyst for bringing three army wives/girlfriends together. There is Adelaide, who seems to have everything organized and always runs the entertainment for the [...]

2022-04-17T13:21:56-07:00April 17th, 2022|Tags: , , , , |

Tart of Darkness

The First in a Promising Series Author: Denise Swanson Dani’s life is one disaster after another. Her too-good-to-be-true boyfriend turned out to be engaged to another woman. Her office job forced her to participate in something that still makes her uncomfortable and guilty; something that handy little NDA keeps her from ever talking about. Under this cloud of suspicion and betrayal, a chance windfall starts to turn everything around. Dani has inherited a beautiful old house – a manor really – and enough money to leave the rat race behind and indulge in her true passion: cooking. Despite her father’s rampant [...]

2022-07-26T08:56:52-07:00March 17th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , , , |


Revolutions and the Aftereffects Authors: George R.R. Martin & Lisa Tuttle In the early mornings while she and her mother comb the beach for their survival, Maris is distracted by the fliers. They swoop through the air, elegant human figures born aloft by the last of a gone age – the sails of a long-ago crashed spaceship refashioned into splendid wings. The fliers alone are free. In this world it is all islands, wind, and isolation, but the fliers link the people. They battle the elements. They soar. They bring news and gifts and connect a brutal world filled with sea [...]

2022-01-15T22:11:08-07:00January 15th, 2022|Tags: , , , , |
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