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Paradise Club

A Truly Evil Book: Don't Read Author: Tim Meyer Paradise Club takes disconnecting to a whole new level. Your phone gets taken away onboard the transport ship. The idea: you’ll really get a chance to enjoy the sandy beaches and overly luxurious hotels. You will truly experience the sumptuousness with no calls from the world beyond, no chores, no obligations. At least . . . that’s what the pamphlet said. The reality is something entirely different. The guests are just settling in when the warning siren goes off and every TV switches on. It seems that they aren’t here to relax. [...]

2022-12-31T16:38:58-07:00December 31st, 2022|Tags: , , , |

Dead Sea

Dead Sea Author: Brian Keene Lamar’s world has gone to hell, and it’s not just because he lost his job and was forced into a crime that still haunts him. It started with the rats, earning it the name of Hamelin’s Revenge after the old story of the pied piper who lured mesmerized rats to their drowning death. But then it spread. From animal to animal and finally from one person to the next. Now, the world is a chaos of dead things, reanimated and hungry. There is no hope once infected. A bit of blood from an infected person, an [...]

2022-12-30T11:52:18-07:00December 30th, 2022|Tags: , , , |


Spies, Necromancers, and the Undead Author: Brian Lumley It’s Cold War days and the soviets have a secret program with a powerful weapon: a necromancer named Boris Dragosani. Part spy, part eater of the dead, Dragosani rips secrets from his enemies in the most painful and visceral of ways. Nothing is hidden from him. The problem? Dragosani has his own secrets, and his power is hardly natural. In his free time, he returns to an isolated part of the Balkan Mountains where he confers with one of the ancient undead, a creature he thinks that he can outsmart. Meanwhile in America, [...]

2022-12-25T10:37:24-07:00December 25th, 2022|Tags: , , , , |
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