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Night Parade, The

Of Plagues and Hope Author: Ronald Malfi In a world filled with madness and death, the only hope left is a child. But it’s his child, and the price for hope is high. He’d rather see the whole world burn than risk his daughter, and so they’re on the run. But the clock is ticking, safety is a concept of the past, and the fever is burning brightly behind his eyes. The Night Parade is another contemplative horror novel from Roland Malfi. This time, we’re situated in the apocalypse. A strange plague first wiped out the birds, and now is taking [...]

2024-05-07T06:52:29-07:00May 7th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Black Mouth

Confronting the Childhood Boogeyman Author: Ronald Malfi Jamie Warren’s life is filled with wreckage: the effects of his long alcoholism, his estrangement from family, and a hometown that harbors a special hate for him. It is altogether too much, and just as he is starting to recover, a tragedy calls him back home. Back to his trusting, disabled brother, now alone, who needs him. Back to his childhood friends. Back to the consequences of what they did one summer. Black Mouth is compared to Stephen King’s classic It, and there are some surface similarities, from the weirdness of the supernatural menace [...]

2023-02-07T20:14:27-07:00February 7th, 2023|Tags: , , , , |
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