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Murder Gets a Makeover

Jaine and the World of Fashion Author: Laura Levine Jaine is not much of a fashionista, but when a free chance to get styled by the famous Bebe Braddock comes along, Jaine gives in. What can go wrong? Well, as it turns out, Bebe is a beast, and when she ends up strangled by a wire hanger, the police’s suspicion hones in on Jaine. After all, she did find the body. Her prints are on the weapon. And who better to knock off the mean stylist than the very woman whom she humiliated day after day? Desperate to clear her name [...]

2022-07-26T09:12:04-07:00May 1st, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , |

Brewed Awakening

Mixed Memories Author: Cleo Coyle Clare Cosi wakes up in the park, still feeling raw form her recent divorce, but looking forward to getting back to her young daughter in her cozy New Jersey home. Imagine her surprise, then, when she stops by her old workplace, the Village Blend, to be told that her divorce is in the long-ago past, she is good friends and business partners with her ex, and her daughter is grown. What happened to Clare, and how did she suddenly lose all those years? If you find yourself in a similar situation, a Hoffman Estates family lawyer [...]

2025-01-15T19:41:33-07:00April 30th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , |

I Have No Secrets

A Killer and a Girl Who Can't Talk Author: Penny Joelson Jemma has cerebral palsy and she cannot speak. Because of this, the killer thinks she’s a fair target. He knows that she hears, that she thinks, that she knows far more than she can ever say, and he wants to torture her with details of the murder and who he will take next. He doesn’t expect that she can ever make sure justice is served. He thinks, in the end, she’ll just be another of his victims. Maybe one of the more fun ones. But he has underestimated Jemma. I [...]

2022-07-26T09:18:23-07:00April 21st, 2022|Tags: , , , , |
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