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Murder Buys a One-Way Ticket

Jaine on a Train Author: Laura Levine Jaine is looking to keep herself in Chunky Monkey when a new ghost-writing opportunity appears. Chip Miller, aka Iron Man, is a wealthy gym owner. When he’s not jet-setting on his private train car, he’s running on his treadmill, visiting his gym, making his special Iron Man martini, and lambasting his family and loyal friends. Chip is ready to write an exercise book for the every-man or every-woman, something to promote his methods and his gym. If Jaine can get it, with her craving for savory snacks and her elastic waist pants, anyone can! [...]

2024-09-15T14:30:30-07:00September 15th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

Darling Girls

Chosen Sisters Author: Sally Hepworth Some families are biological. Some families are found. Some are created by trauma. The latter is true for Jessica, Norah, and Alicia. Each of them underwent a horrific experience at Wild Meadows where their unpredictable foster mother, Miss Fairchild, oscillated between cloying dependence and ruthless revenge. When Miss Fairchild directed her vitriol towards a new toddler, the girls decided to risk losing each other and report her. They thought it ended there. They were taken from Wild Meadows, raised separately, yet somehow able to keep their connections with one another. They presumed the toddler had been [...]

2024-09-14T21:47:58-07:00September 14th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |

All the Dangerous Things

We've Seen It All Before Author: Stacy Willingham Isabelle Drake hasn’t slept in a year. Not since the day her infant son, Mason, was stolen out of his crib. How could she not have heard? Not have checked earlier? Not have known? And what about all those nights she hated motherhood, the stress, the strain, the demand? Is the absence somehow her fault? The police have no leads. Her husband has now moved on to a new relationship; it’s been a year. He wants to move on with his life. Everyone has accepted that Mason is gone. Probably dead. Certainly, never [...]

2024-09-14T14:13:05-07:00September 14th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |
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