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Nine Lives To Die

When Pets Investigate Author: Rita Mae Brown The town of Crozet, Virginia is preparing for a snowy Christmas season. Almost everyone in town is busily involved in some holiday charity preparations, bringing food and company to those in need or continuing to work with the local youth organization, Silver Linings, in their blowout annual fundraiser. But someone isn’t feeling the holiday spirit. They want to take, not give. With two bodies of prominent citizens, bastions of Silver Linings no less, discovered, the town is desperate to find the culprit. Meanwhile, on a nearby farm that belongs to Harry and her husband [...]

2024-08-12T18:43:35-07:00August 12th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |


Alcoholism, Laxative Purges, and Maybe an Eventual Scandal Author: Ottessa Moshfegh Living alone with her alcoholic, demented father, Eileen is both caretaker and jailer and, in turn, she is also confined. She is imprisoned by her own outsider nature, both the nature that she affects and the one that she has been given by uncaring parents and a dead-hearted town. As a young woman, Eileen is well down the road of alcoholism herself, working by day as a secretary at a corrupt prison for boys. Eileen is defined by her bodily shame – an intense focus on her looks, her secretions [...]

2024-07-27T21:36:26-07:00July 27th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |

Girls, The

A Fictionalized Version of the Manson Cult Author: Emma Cline In The Girls author Emma Cline utilizes a fictionalized account to try and answer the long-time mystery: what made the Mason cult murder? How did Charles Manson, the pseudo-religious group leader, talk the others into such atrocities? How did normal girls become killers? In this story, we see a similar commune through the eyes of 14-year-old Evie, who has become charmed by the seeming freedom of the older girls and is running away from her rich, yet ultimately isolated life. Evie is most fascinated by the figure of Suzanne, and [...]

2024-07-05T17:28:04-07:00July 5th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |
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