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A Family Affair Author: Aeschylus In Aeschylus’ famous triad, The Oresteia, the author explores themes of violence and honor killings, leading readers from primeval bloodlust into law and order and the establishment of civilization. It starts, as many know, with the House of Atreus and its escalating curse. Agamemnon triggers the curse again when he sacrifices his daughter, Iphigenia, for political gain and a successful war against Troy. Agamemnon’s wife, Clytemnestra, begins an assassination plan that ends when Agamemnon comes home, triumphant, and oblivious, new mistress in tow. The chain reaction is set, and Orestes determines to murder his mother [...]

2024-06-14T17:15:53-07:00June 14th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , |

Dining Room, The

Who exactly are the upper middle class WASPs? And if you had to pick one thing to symbolize them, what would it be? A.R. Gurney sets out to answer both of these questions with a play he penned in 1981 called The Dining Room. It's an interesting script to read and an even more fascinating play to watch. Make no mistake though. This isn't a play that is written for the audience. Not really. It's a play written for the playwright. For the critics. And above all, it's a play written for the actors. The Dining Room is a play [...]

2023-11-15T23:36:50-07:00September 13th, 2011|Tags: , , , |
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