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Man Eater

Rage, Revenge, Cannibalism Author: Ryan Green She wasn’t always a killer. She even nursed wounded animals as a young child. But when the one male relative who was kind to her died, Katherine Knight became someone else. Powerless and sexually abused, Katherine would grow into a woman filled with rage and a desire to control. No longer the little girl who helped animals, Katherine took a job at an abattoir where her skill and love of the job earned her fame and a place alongside the men. Skilled in butchery, she slowly escalated her behavior, dabbling in violence and domination until [...]

2022-07-26T09:23:49-07:00July 12th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , |

Little Girls

A Dark & Dissatisfying Story Author: Ronald Malfi A desperate old man, devolving into paranoia and haunted by his past, throws himself through a window in the attic. He dies in agony and insanity and blood. Now, his old mansion with its gothic charm becomes his daughter’s. But Laurie (the daughter) doesn’t want the house, doesn’t want the memories it brings back, doesn’t want to think about how (and why) her father died. Convinced by her money-grabbing husband, Laurie moves her family, including her young daughter, to her father’s ancient house. It’s just a temporary measure, only until the estate is [...]

2022-07-26T09:24:48-07:00July 10th, 2022|Tags: , , , , |

Dead Silence

Frozen In Time, Dead In Space Author: S.A. Barnes If you go salvaging in space, will anyone ever find your body? Claire Kovalik is about to lose everything. During a normal repair mission she longs to un-tether herself and float into the void of space to die. It would be better than the alternative. In just a few days, Claire will be back on Earth. Her company is automating and they don’t need her – or her crew – anymore. She’ll be assigned to a desk job, patted on the head, and forgotten. Space, the only place that she has ever [...]

2022-07-26T09:26:13-07:00July 9th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , |
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