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Every Move You Make

A Domestic Abuse Thriller Author: Deborah Bee Clare James shows up at the police station barefoot, smelling of paraffin, burned, and desperate. She has finally worked up the courage to leave her abusive husband despite his threats. D.S. Clarke, a sergeant experienced in dealing with battered women and domestic abuse situations, however, thinks something doesn’t quite add-up with Clare’s story. Maybe it’s her shifting personality, her evasiveness, her convenient lapses. But Sally Ann, another abuse survivor who was in the right place at the right time and connected with Clare, believes her story. Clare goes to a women’s refuge to hide [...]

2022-03-13T19:22:11-07:00March 13th, 2022|Tags: , , , |


A Rabid Dog. A Trapped Mother. Author: Stephen King It’s pointless to summarize the story of Cujo – we all know it after all. A woman and her toddler son get stuck in a car out in the middle of nowhere, a rabid dog waiting outside to end their lives. It’s a claustrophobic story of real horror, a tragedy that bears weight because it could happen. But there is so much more to it, a feral sort of magic that takes it beyond reading and makes it into an experience that is both horrifying and oddly beautiful. Donna and Vic [...]

2022-03-13T17:13:07-07:00March 13th, 2022|Tags: , , , , |

Elementals, The

Creatures In the Sand Author: Michael McDowell After a gruesome funeral with a ritualistic twist, the Savage family returns to their ancestral summer home to recover and help the family matriarch dry out and avoid a divorce. The Savage’s hereditary summer land, Beldame, is a tongue of barren sand that is cut off by water at certain parts of the day while it sizzles in the stifling heat, isolated and dangerous. At Beldame there are three old houses, each identical. The family stays in two of the houses. The other house is abandoned and is being steadily swallowed by a dune. [...]

2022-03-11T21:30:01-07:00March 11th, 2022|Tags: , , , |
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