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Monsters and Lovers Author: Jeff Strand Jason Tray is on a forced vacation after scaring away some kids who were tormenting his dog by covering himself in fake blood, arming himself with a fake chainsaw, and carrying a (again fake) severed head. One of the kids slipped and broke his arm. It’s just a little bit funny, especially since Jason asked very nicely multiple times for them to stop pelting his little dog with rocks. Sort of a poetic justice thing really. Chad, his publicist, finds it less amusing, and so Jason is staying in his agent’s lakeside cabin, out of [...]

2021-11-22T12:16:07-07:00November 22nd, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Suffer the Children

Torture Porn and Depravity Author: John Saul High on the hill, rich and ill at ease, are the Congers. The entire town is named for them, entwined in their legacy, yet they have a not so secret misery. The husband, Jack, is haunted by whatever impelled him to brutally assault his youngest child, Sarah, one day in the woods and the strange feelings he shudders to recollect. Sarah hasn’t spoken since that day, wondering the halls of the family mansion, a disturbed, quite child who sees too much. Meanwhile the wife, Rose, plugs away at her own business during the day, [...]

2021-11-21T13:44:33-07:00November 21st, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Four Winds, The

A Story of Family, Survival, and Belonging Author: Kristin Hannah Elsa is the sick one. The dowdy one. The forgotten sister. The unwanted child. When she makes a new red dress and has one night on the town, her parents shun her and give the few good things she has to her siblings. When it is revealed that she is pregnant by an engaged, Italian farmer, her family is done with her for good, dropping her at the Martinelli farm where her future becomes inextricable with the land. Rafe, the lover, loses his engagement, his chance at a college education, his [...]

2021-12-31T11:03:37-07:00November 20th, 2021|Tags: , , , , , |
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