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Consultant, The

Bosses from Hell Author: Bentley Little There is no denying it – the corporate world is full of hellish bargains, backroom backstabbing, evil schemes, and nose-diving employee morale. What better “normal” location to showcase the unique, insidious horror of the everyday? What if the amoral creature that lurked in your work corridors wasn’t just your terrible boss, but a demonic presence with a mysterious goal, a goal that made you (and everyone else) entirely expendable, physically and mentally? What if there was more to it all than corporate profits, and what if termination was a lot more ominous than unemployment and [...]

2024-09-15T15:53:01-07:00September 15th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |

Murder Buys a One-Way Ticket

Jaine on a Train Author: Laura Levine Jaine is looking to keep herself in Chunky Monkey when a new ghost-writing opportunity appears. Chip Miller, aka Iron Man, is a wealthy gym owner. When he’s not jet-setting on his private train car, he’s running on his treadmill, visiting his gym, making his special Iron Man martini, and lambasting his family and loyal friends. Chip is ready to write an exercise book for the every-man or every-woman, something to promote his methods and his gym. If Jaine can get it, with her craving for savory snacks and her elastic waist pants, anyone can! [...]

2024-09-15T14:30:30-07:00September 15th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

Burning Girls, The

Irrational, Irreligious, and Irritating Author: C.J. Tudor Reverand Jack Brooks and her fourteen-year-old daughter have been sent to the disheveled, gothic village of Chapel Croft after the previous vicar’s gruesome in-church suicide. Neither woman wants to be part of this new place, but Reverand Jack is on shaky ground, and she can’t say no. When she gets to the village, fearful of the man who murdered her husband and is now out of jail, tracking her, she is welcomed by a dark history and an exorcism kit complete with an ominous verse: “But there is nothing covered up that will not [...]

2024-09-14T22:51:08-07:00September 14th, 2024|Tags: , , , |
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