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Haar, The

Love Never Dies Author: David Sodergren Muriel McAuley has grown up, married, grieved, seen horrors and happiness, and plans to end her days, all in Witchaven. But an unscrupulous developer has found the charming little Scottish costal town and is steadily buying out and scaring away residents. Only Muriel and a few of the older residents remain, and the pressure and unethical tactics are escalating. People are dying now. What hope does one old woman, living only with her memories, have? Everything changes, however, when the Haar (an ocean fog) roles in one day and Muriel finds a pathetic, otherworldly creature [...]

2024-06-24T18:35:32-07:00June 24th, 2024|Tags: , , , |

Christie Affair, The

An Affair of the Heart Author: Nina De Gramont In December 1926, author Agatha Christie disappeared from her home. She left behind an abandoned car with her driver’s license still inside, inciting the biggest manhunt in British history for a missing person. After eleven days, the police finally found her staying at a spa town, claiming amnesia. But many suspected that Agatha left because of her husband’s torrid affair and the recent death of her mother. History will never be able to tell us, but author Nina De Gramont has ideas. Told through the viewpoint of Agatha’s husband’s mistress, Nan O’Dea [...]

2024-06-22T11:51:44-07:00June 22nd, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |

Prisoner’s Throne, The

Oak's Side of the Story Author: Holly Black At the end of The Stolen Heir, Oak is left at Wren’s sadistic pleasure. She is slowly torturing him with the bridle and iron prison bars, making him pay for his betrayal. She is growing into her own, and all that was soft and compassionate is dying as her power matures. And now, she’s starting another war in Faerie. Can Oak atone in time? Can he regain Wren’s trust? Can he stop the inevitable tide of despair and vengeance that started generations before his birth? In The Stolen Heir we see the story [...]

2024-06-18T15:29:57-07:00June 18th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |
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