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Cure for the Common Life

A Guide to Finding and Applying Your God-Given Gifts Author: Max Lucado In Cure for the Common Life author Max Lucado makes a convincing argument that God has given us each something to do that calls to our unique strengths and desires. This work, contrary to popular belief, is not onerous, but joyful: a moment in life where our strengths and God’s glory all converge into one sweet spot. This sweet spot, working perfectly in our purpose, finding our calling as it were, may be revealed through a peppering of little moments, a grand calling, or a quiet life doing labor [...]

2024-05-26T20:33:42-07:00May 26th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Transforming Discipleship

Discipleship by Popularity?  Author: Greg Ogden In Transforming Discipleship author Greg Ogden sells his own program, focused on creating a “micro-group” of Christians who effectively disciple one another to grow in faith and Christlikeness. Honestly, this isn’t the type of book or subject that I would normally pick up, but it was assigned reading for the C.S. Lewis Fellowship year-one program. This program has encouraged and challenged me to deepen my own faith, and it has even pushed me outside of my hermit’s comfort zone. So, I approached this book with an open mind, if not a burning desire. It starts [...]

2024-05-25T21:18:52-07:00May 25th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

Lent: The Season of Repentance and Renewal

A Repentance Season that Leads to Renewal Author: Esau McCaulley When I first transitioned from a protestant background to a catholic church (Episcopalian and then Anglican), I was dismayed by the concept of Lent. It seemed like a dour season, one meant to strip the joy out of Christianity. Was this just another reincarnation of the hell-fire-and-brimstone protestant teaching that I found so one-dimensional, a teaching that while necessary can be (and is) certainly overdone, leaving out everything else about Christianity, especially the joy? Imagine my surprise then when I ended up liking Lent, appreciating its deep sense of introspection, its [...]

2024-05-18T17:49:21-07:00May 18th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |
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