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What Feasts at Night

What Dies in Dreams Author: T. Kingfisher After the literal horrors of Usher Mansion, Alex is ready to ditch the moody gothic moors and head to the bright lights and jubilant sounds of Paris. But, as the saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished. Miss Potter wants to explore the myconid life of Alex’s dour homeland, Gallacia, and Alex’s right-hand man, Angus, is smitten with Miss Potter. So, Alex agrees. After all, how bad can it be to return to your home anyway? The answer is: very bad. Alex returns home to find the caretaker dead, the place in ruin, and [...]

2024-03-03T11:27:39-07:00March 3rd, 2024|Tags: , , , |

Praying the Bible

An Effective Way to Reenergize Your Prayer Life Author: Donald S. Whitney Praying the Bible is a simple, straight-forward book about a complicated, multi-faceted topic. While the Bible tells Christians to pray without ceasing, and some of the bastions of our faith seemed to do this effortlessly (like the Apostal Paul), the rest of us are left in a rut. We know we should be better. We should want to pray, and our prayers should be more dynamic than, as Whitney notes, “saying the same old things about the same old things,” but honestly, they’re not. Prayer is the proverbial elephant [...]

2024-02-25T12:38:13-07:00February 25th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Dead Lake

The Dead Do Not Rest Here Author: Darcy Coates Sam is grieving for her mother. She wasn’t paying attention. She missed all the signs. She was focused on her art, her big break at a prestigious gallery, her first show. She was focused and planning. And now, now she is alone.  Her mother is gone, and the show is in a week. She doesn’t have any paintings, any ideas, just a sense of guilt, a distaste for something that once consumed her, and the needling feeling that she should try anyway, that she cannot throw away this once-in-a-lifetime chance. And so, [...]

2024-02-25T09:39:20-07:00February 25th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |
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