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Barchester Towers

Drawing Room Drama and Religious Reactions Author: Anthony Trollope In Trollope’s second installment in The Chronicles of Barsetshire, the little town of Barsetshire is alive with drawing room intrigue, this time set along the lines of respectable holy war. The long-lived Bishop of Barchester has recently vacated his post and this life, resulting in a scramble for primacy among the backstabbing candidates. This results in a brand-new bishop, the lamentable (and viciously hen-pecked) Dr. Proudie, who is disgustingly low church and comes with his sidekick and supporter, the Reverend Slope. As Slope fights Mrs. Proudie for the right to rule the [...]

2022-12-20T08:42:00-07:00December 12th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , |

Father’s Story, A

A Look at Jeffery Dahmer, Told By His Father Author: Lionel Dahmer Like almost everyone else, I recently became addicted to Netflix’s Dahmer series, binge-watching it, open mouthed, within a few days. Jeffery Dahmer is one of the most well-known and gruesome serial killers of our time, famous for the brutality of his murders and his grisly apartment, stocked with dead men, body parts, and partially eaten corpses. What, exactly, makes a person kill and eat someone else? Was it insanity or evil? Were Dahmer’s actions a result of nature or nurture? The Netflix series, wisely, does not attempt an answer, [...]

2022-12-11T22:13:40-07:00December 11th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , |

Created Equal: How the Bible Broke with Ancient Political Thought

God's Radical Laws of Freedom in the Old Testament Author: Joshua Berman In Created Equal Joshua Berman focuses on the Hebrew Bible (i.e., the Old Testament to Christians) and its revolutionary sociological and political precepts. In God’s ancient covenant with Israel, He broke from the prevailing king worship and tiered social structure (think “class”) of the day, using His laws and their implementation to create a society where everyone was equal. Of course, this one sentence doesn’t get to the complexity behind how this equal society was created and just how vastly different it was from all the other social structures [...]

2022-12-11T11:22:56-07:00December 11th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , , |
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