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If I Did It

He Totally Did It . . . Author: OJ Simpson Time for some honesty. I think we have all kind of wanted to read If I Did It since the rumors circulated that the man who allegedly killed Nicole Simpson and got away with it was going to publish a book about his crime and to thumb his nose at the justice system that let him walk. I think most of us had the guttural reaction of repulsion and disgust, but that inner rubbernecker in us all wanted to know just what OJ was finally willing to say about the night [...]

2022-08-14T12:34:28-07:00August 14th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Cavern, The

Everything in Australia Wants to Kill You Author: Alister Hodge In an old mining town in the Australian outback, a sinkhole opens, revealing a brand-new cave system that draws adventurers and scientists. The adventurers get more than they bargained for, and soon the unknowing scientists, with their desire to be the first to chart the new system, legalities and safety be damned, will discover an ancient entity with awakening hunger and a vendetta. I picked The Cavern because I adore the mystery and majesty of caves and am a sucker for all things creature feature. I was having hopeful visions of [...]

2022-08-13T16:21:45-07:00August 13th, 2022|Tags: , , , |

Silas Marner

Rags to Riches and Anger to Forgiveness Author: George Eliot Silas Marner is a simple man. A weaver, good at his craft. A churchgoer, an engaged man. Nothing out of the ordinary, at least as far as everyone knows. But Silas does have spells, moments where he experiences something like a trance and losses time. In his time and place, this could be misconstrued as demonic, an aberration that requires the strictest judgement. No one must know. When Silas falls into one of his trances while watching over the ill church dean, who later dies, he awakens to a corpse and [...]

2022-08-13T10:39:57-07:00August 13th, 2022|Tags: , , , |
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