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Influence, The

Monsters in the Desert Author: Bentley Little Ross Lowry is down on his luck. For years, he was the support system for his family. Showing up when no one else would, bank rolling everyone’s ideas and disasters, rescuing everyone. Now that he needs rescue, however, he finds himself all alone, until his cousin opens her rural guest house in Magdalena, Arizona for him. Just until he finds a job. Just until he gets over the hump. But things are happening out in that desert town. Luck is changing. Rich people are finding themselves poor; poor people are becoming rich. Healthy people [...]

2024-07-05T10:05:47-07:00July 5th, 2024|Tags: , , , |

Underhanded, The

A Cartoonish Thriller Author: Adam Sikes Professor William Dresden has never fit in, not with his family, and not with the academic world, which has just terminated his promising career over his recent research publication. He thinks he has nothing left to lose when he agrees to meet with a mysterious stranger at a Parisian café to talk about his failed studies. Instead, he discovers that his research has led MI6 to some critical findings about an international neo-fascist organization (the Strasbourg Executive). The complication? MI6 is compromised, the Executive has already deployed several assassins, and Professor Dresden’s family are deeply [...]

2024-07-02T08:48:18-07:00July 2nd, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

Rip Tide

A Summer of Second Chances Author: Colleen McKeegan The old saying goes that you can’t step in the same river twice. But what if you can? What if the powerful, untamed, tragic longings of first love could be captured again? What if you could have what you always wanted? What if you could finally catch the one that got away? It’s been fifteen years since Kimmy Devine left her beach hometown in South Jersey to go to college and then pursue a successful financial career. She brokered billion-dollar deals; she made a name for herself. But in Kimmy’s heart, she always [...]

2024-07-01T07:42:17-07:00June 30th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |
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