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Underwater Daughter

A Lyrical Memoir of Abuse Author: Antonia Deignan As a child, Tuni didn’t know that her father was sexually abusing her. She thought it was love. A special bond, a secret kind of affection. The fact that her mother knew and was present only galvanized this normalcy, or so she thought. But as an adult, she reflects on the abuse in Underwater Daughter, on the way its wrongness colored her entire life, from the gradual realizations growing up, to the body dysmorphia and solace sought in alcohol and drugs, and finally to her own approach to motherhood and finally caring for [...]

2024-05-31T19:47:47-07:00May 31st, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

Last Astronaut, The

Last Chance for Redemption, Last Hope for Earth Author: David Wellington Sally Jansen is haunted by a dead dream. Once upon a time, she imagined being the first women to walk on Mars, but when that mission went bad and her actions left another astronaut dead, both her ambition and her career were in ruins. Imagine her surprise then, when several decades later, NASA recalls her to lead a dangerous mission. She is the only person with the requisite training. Trapped between NASA’s desperation and her own desire for redemption, Jansen accepts the command. The mission? To intercept a giant alien [...]

2024-05-31T15:37:13-07:00May 31st, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

First Lie Wins

The Last Mark Author: Ashley Elston Evie Porter has a good life, at least, from what you can see. She’s living with and engaged to Ryan Sumner, a wealthy man with a good business. The problem? Evie Porter is a lie – everything from her history to her name – and her fiancé is her mark. This is her last chance. She dares not think of what will happen if she doesn’t provide her elusive boss, Mr. Smith, with the information he wants about Ryan. The stakes are high. Failing again is not an option. But perhaps this job isn’t a [...]

2024-05-29T11:11:53-07:00May 29th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |
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